This page is retired. As with all things retired, there is a chance it no longer works.

It is retired in place, so if you have found it, you may enjoy it, but I am not going to fix it if it breaks.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Tree with shadow, words on Polish flag: S-cray-oh-la in Poland

Welcome to my Poland section. I made this section to show my friends and my church the things I learned, observed, and thought during the preparation and process of my trip to Poland to teach English for a year.


I got a haircut today. Pictures will follow when I finish my roll.

I found the swans! I found them yesterday. It seems they prefer the other end of the lake, so I walked down there today and took some pictures of the ducks and swans.

I'm feeling somewhat tired. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep, but I'm waking up before my alarm, so sleeping in isn't likely to help... I can't stay in bed long after I wake, and I always have more things to do than time to do them.

I'll give a test tomorrow (level VII). The English Club starts Thursday. I have no idea what topic(s) to discuss.

The weather is still clear but cool. It's actually been pretty warm. I mailed some letters today, and a postcard to my grandmother. I'm still waiting for my ship to come in. The temperature outside is 8°C/46.4°F (at 18:37).


Today's outside temperature is 4.5°C/40.1°F (at 9:25).

I had my first English Club meeting last night. Only four people showed up, but the schools were having PTO meetings, so that's probably why. We'll see how it goes next week. The meeting was nervous. I had a hard time thinking of topics to talk about, and I ended up doing most of the talking, which wasn't the idea. I'll have to come up with some good conversation starters... but I've been trying to find those for years. I haven't found much.

I haven't written anything significant in several days (probably over a week), but I did revise one very long scene last night, so that's a plus.

I went to the school this morning. I started talking about travel/holidays, which became tourist attractions in the US, which became Poland, which became Why are you here, with the conversation threatening to turn toward movies and stars, hehe... But it was all good. The students got an opportunity to hear English and to speak it, which is the point.

The heat is down right now. One room of the building won't warm up, and the men from the heating place have been trying different things. Today is the last resort. They'll lay some new piping (which will involve drilling a hole in my ceiling (mentioned for the purpose of location)), and if that doesn't work, I don't know what the pastor will do. I guess he'll keep an electric heater running up there. Pray for us, that this will solve the problem. This is probably costing him an arm and a leg. *frown*

I spent Turkey Day working. I didn't have turkey, and I didn't eat a big meal of any kind... I actually went to bed hungry... should have eaten something at 21:00. Want to guess what I was doing at 21:00 instead of eating? Yes, I was revising that scene. My own fault. Pastor Kris asked me about "no turkey", and I said I didn't have money for it and no family with whom to eat it. He said that I should have eaten with his family. I told him I thought it would be rude to invite myself to dinner. I'm not sure whether he was kidding or hurt. He doesn't seem to put much weight on my mistakes, but it's hard to tell, sometimes.

One minor note: I don't read emails that are not specifically written to me.


Greetings, everyone!

I'm doing well. The temperature outside (at 11:37) is 1°C/33.8°F.

It's snowing, now, but the only place it sticks is on my window ledge, which is metal. The wind howls and blows the snow around such that it flies horizontally at times. I can't tell whether I'm hearing the wind or a train passing.

(12:04): The snow is beginning to collect on the leaves and grass, but still none on the ground and flat paths. It is gathering on the steps right outside my window, though.

(18:08): Well, there's snow everywhere. After I finished my tutoring lessons this afternoon, I saw Pastor Kris heading outside with a snow shovel. He saw me and said, "You relax." meaning I should go to my room and do whatever might amuse me, but I put on my hat, coat and gloves and went outside. I told him I needed some exercise, and he gave me the shovel. I cleared the walks from the house to the chapel and from that path to the gate. When I finished the steps near the gate, there was a thin layer of snow where I'd cleared.

When I went back inside, I looked out my window, and I could barely tell I'd cleared anything. I worked too hard, though. If you start sweating, you're working too hard; eskimos don't dare sweat. I'll try not to work quite as hard next time. After this workout, I fixed myself a cup-o-soup and a cup of tea... and wished I had hot cocoa. I'll ask Kris about that on Monday, if I can remember. Guess what I saw in the store when I was getting soup today...ramen noodles. They weren't called that (and I didn't get any), but that's what they were. The temperature is currently -1.5°C/29.3°F.

I love the snow. It has really lifted my spirits today. Thank you, Lord, for the snow.

Snow is romantic.


I assigned the second essay yesterday. There is a movie coming to Iława that I really want to see: Lilo & Stitch. It starts Friday, so I'll let my class out a few minutes early and head to the kino. Yesterday, after my class, I went with Pastor Kris to the store, where I got my first pair of winter boots. They're very warm, and they only cost about $23, which is the least I've paid for a pair of shoes in over five years.

The snow on the side roads has melted and refrozen, so that it is now ice. I'm pretty good at walking on ice, though, so this shouldn't be a problem. I have seen many children riding on sleds pulled by brothers, mothers, and others, I guess.

I wrote some Christmas cards today. I should have them in the mail tomorrow. I am very far behind in writing to people, so I need to get busy with that. (I'll think about it tomorrow).

The time is 14:39, and the temperature outside my window is currently -1°C/30.2°F. *beep*


I'm having these weird desires... I would like to receive a fruitcake!

Not so weird is that I would love a pecan log for Christmas. Well, as soon as I finish this, I'll go into town and mail these postcards. Then, I'll do some shopping.

The time is 12:03, and the temperature outside my window is 3°C/37.4°F (but the snow appears unaffected). May God richly bless you, my brothers and sisters.


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