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The Last Month

The Last Month

Tree with shadow, words on Polish flag: S-cray-oh-la in Poland

Welcome to my Poland section. I made this section to show my friends and my church the things I learned, observed, and thought during the preparation and process of my trip to Poland to teach English for a year.


For some reason, I think of poppies when I see these flowers [the tulips below]. And thinking of poppies reminds me of the poem "In Flanders Field". The tulips in this picture are all but gone. They didn't last long, sadly. I'm not sure why they disappeared so quickly, but that heavy rainstorm may have done it. I noticed they looked rather beaten afterward. It's sad, because the city workers just planted a bunch of plants (these tulips, perhaps) in this bed a few weeks ago.

Time flies swiftly on. If you want to send anything to me before I go home, you'll need to send it the fastest possible way within the next week. Otherwise, send it to my home if you want to be sure I'll get it.

Noteworthy events are not happening here. Many things are happening, but what is happening doesn't seem to me to be things that would interest other people.

I should mention that I've scanned a bunch of pictures and updated my picture pages. You should note in the pictures of the statue and of Old Town that the stonework is all pavers and other stones. Concrete is not used much, from what I have seen. The only places, off hand, I can think of where I've seen poured concrete have been on the steps, where a ramp has been built to one side. Everything else is flat stones which must be levelled with sand. The plaza in Old Town is interesting because between the pavers, there are lines of smal stones of irregular shape which have been fitted together in a loose pattern.

I've almost finished grading the essays, and I'm giving unit tests, big ones, on Tuesday. I may give the students more time on Thursday, since the tests are so big, but I'll have to see how it goes on Tuesday before I decide that. That's all I have. My heartfelt thanks go out to all who have supported me in this ministry with prayers, cards, letter, and finances. Without you, I couldn't possibly have done this. The time is 20:41, and the temperature outside my window (where it is still bright) is 18°C/64.4°F. Have a great day in the Lord!