Everything on this page and its subpages is copyrighted. All rights reserved. Nothing on this site may be reproduced in ANY medium. This statement shall supercede any agreement allowing anyone to publish the contents of this Web site, unless the title of the book is explicitly specified in said agreement.
This page was originally meant to be a portal to the beginnings of my books online. The books in question are undergoing some changes, so I have removed them. This page remains as a curiosity, though I may, if there is any interest in it, put some more content here at a later date.
TCS: A Taste of Champagne (Look on the serials page.)
TCS: To Wander Among Stars
TCS: A Journey to Peace (completed)
TCS: Seeking What's Lost, Book 1 (completed)
TCS: Seeking What's Lost, Book 2 (completed)
TCS: Bring Down The Stars
WITW: Girl in the Way (Look on the serials page.)
The Great Movers
Building Blocks for the Church Web Site
For the sake of curiosity, this is the order in which the books were begun, along with their abbreviated titles, by which I refer to them in online discussions:
TCS:SWL1 = Seeking What was Lost, Book 1 (formerly FWWS, Four Weeks With Skyler)
TCS:SWL2 = Seeking What was Lost, Book 2
TGM = The Great Movers
TCS:ATOC = A Taste of Champagne (sometimes called JDAI)
TCS:TWAS = To Wander Among Stars
TCS:AJTP = A Journey to Peace
TCS:BDTS = Bring Down the Stars
TCS:IOAG = It's Only a Game
TCS:[X] = The final chapter of the Land of Crowns/the Champagne Saga has not been assigned a title.
WITW: GITW = Girl in the Way